आयुर्वेदिक उपचार मधुमेह में लाभकारी है |मधुमेह और मधुमेह से होने वाले अन्य शारीरिक कमियों को पूरी तरह से मुक्त करने का एक मात्र उपाय है -"आरोग्य अमृत " अत्यंत लाभकारी और रामबाण आयुर्वेदिक दवा
-Arogya Amrit -Herbal and Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes .Cure diabetes after regular use of Six Months.
Foot problems in diabetics :
- Poor blood circulation
- Skin infection
- Wash your feet daily with a mild soap and dry well with a soft towel
- Examine your feet daily, especially between the toes for :
- Blisters, sores, cuts, cracks or swellings (treat immediately)
- Redness
- Changes in temperature (your feet should feel warm)
- Apply vaselin cream or a lotion on dry skin
- Wear cotton socks/stockings and change them daily
- Check the inside of your shoes before putting them on - make sure that there are no small objects like pebbles or sand
- Trim toe nails straight across and not too short
- Never walk bare-footed - always wear proper-fitting shoes
- Do not sit cross-legged for too long. If your job requires you to sit for a long period of time (e.g. transport drivers, production operators) - STOP from time to time and exercise your feet to improve circulation (walk, swing your feet and wriggle your toes)
Special Occasions:
- You only have to take your insulin injection or tablets according to your meal schedule. During the period when you are fasting, Do Not inject insulin or eat tablets.
- Sickness can cause your diabetes to go out of control.
- Continue taking your normal dose of insulin or tablets. You must do home blood glucose monitoring when you are ill. Inform your doctor if there is rise in your blood glucose - you may need to increase your insulin or medication dose.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Consult your doctor before you begin your journey
- Bring enough insulin or tablets
- Eat regular meals and drink plenty of water